

circa 1972
Duane O'Kane in the fall of 1972 was travelling by train through the Rockies when he met a British guitarist named Colin Brown, who was strumming The Moody Blues' Nights in White Satin for fellow passengers. The then-22-year-old O'Kane joined in, and the two hit it off.
They reconnected in Vancouver, where they worked with O'Kane's collaborator, Lorraine Pilling. O'Kane and Pilling eventually moved to the U.K. in the spring of 1973 to join Brown to pursue music.
In London, the three were joined by musician José Gross and they recorded the album, printing 99 copies of a vinyl demo to present to record labels.
Legendary BBC DJ John Peel called their London flat to praise the album, which garnered attention from a label owned by Elton John. Despite the interest, the album never saw the light of day.
Eventually Catseye split up, with Pilling and O'Kane returning to Canada. Source CBC
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Duane O'Kane
Colin Brown