
Trimerotropis pallidipennis

Susanna was the master of the dark now. The silence, the secrets, the creaks and crackles that remain anonymous throughout the night but cause despair until they disappear in the light of morning. All of that was under her. While there was much to learn of her new charge, Susanna did understand the responsibility of her new role. Todd, the former master of the dark, had instilled that in her at the very beginning of their training together. “Be mindful of relationships, Susanna. Be mindful of your place within them, but also of those forgotten pieces that afford crucial connections. We must place special attention on those neglected relationships, those only remembered when systems break down. Unraveling is inevitable, and not necessarily to be avoided. Care must be taken to avoid unwanted formations to be forged in the ruin.” While she took that advice seriously and locked it in her heart, Susanna did wonder, however, just what constituted the “unwanted”? Were these unwanted assemblies universally disdained? Surely not, she thought, but why must the master of the dark be tasked with privileging one connection over the next? Those thoughts were never to be whispered o... more...
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