
Glass Candy

since circa 1996
Crazy like a rabbit and happy like the new year, Glass Candy make music that is, as the Wall Street Journal put it, "irresistible". On B/E/A/T/B/O/X, producer Johnny Jewel made beats fitting of his Hustletown hometown, and there aren't many MCs who can ride a track like Ida No can, slippery but never sliding, full of highs and lows but never any flat lines. Glass Candy sound like a poet on a cloud floating above the discotheque, and the whole dance floor can't stop reaching for them. Glass Candy's new album is scheduled to be released later this year.
other sites: myspace

Community Events

Current Lineup

Ida No
1996 - present
Johnny Jewel
Guitarist / Synthesist
1996 - present