
Carole Finn (OSA SFCA)

Carole Finn has had a lifetime of leadership in Haliburton Ontario to establish a school -the Haliburton School of Art and Design, a public art Gallery -Rails End Gallery and a handful of art groups of differing disciplines. After receiving the Queens Medal and many other awards for her work, Finn finally followed her hearts desire -to be a full-time professional artist in 2009. During those years of public service Carole’s education as an artist continued, firstly. at OCAD and York University Fine Arts in Toronto and of course, at her beloved community College , Haliburton, HSAD. It was at this school that she continuously enjoyed courses over the years with many of the countries top artists. Her artistic intent was well conceived at the beginning of her professional art career. A plaque at the entrance of her Gallery/Studio where she worked and exhibited tells the story of her paintings “My paintings, which are done in series, are an attempt to show beautiful locations whose natural integrity has either been altered by human intervention or is about to be. What is the cost our imposition on the virginal status of these lands and the inhabitants therein?” In her lan... more...
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