
Vinny Golia Quartet feat. Bobby Bradford

Vinny Golia Quartet featuring Bobby Bradford
JULY 1 Vancouver East Cultural Centre
Los Angeles-based Vinny Golia is an internationally recognized multi-woodwinds performer who fuses the rich heritage of jazz, contemporary classical, and world music into his original compositions. Proprietor of his own Nine Winds record label, Vinny’s albums have been consistently picked by critics and readers for their yearly “Ten Best” lists. His recent quartet disc Sfumato (Clean Feed) is superb. Jazziz magazine has also named him as one of the 100 who have influenced the course of jazz in the twentieth century. Golia has been a featured performer with notable musicians like Anthony Braxton, John Carter, Horace Tapscott, John Zorn, Patti Smith, Han Bennink, and Lydia Lunch. Bobby Bradford is one of the best trumpeters to have emerged from the ’60s. He worked with the Ornette Coleman Quartet for two years (’61–’63) but is best known for his work with the late clarinetist John Carter in the New Art Jazz Ensemble, one of the most influential bands of the time. Besides leading his own group, Bobby has worked with John Stevens, David Murray, Charlie Haden, and Marty Ehrlich. With Ken Filiano bass and Alex Cline drums.

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Current Lineup

Bobby Bradford
Vinny Golia
Alex Cline