
Lex McKie

Instruments: Guitar, Vocals, harmonica details
I write songs that express my discontent with our culture, and myself. I am a member of the bands Eleutheros, and Self-Rule.
This acoustic folk project has been something that I’ve been attempting to initiate now since the summer of 2003.

The “Ralph Klein” single was my first release, and the song has since appeared on the CBC Radio compilation “Rock against Ralph”.
I aim to start playing more shows in the near future, and also release a full length album.

Apart from my musical projects, I am a proud member of the IWW, and enjoy taking part in local activism that lines up with my vegan anarchist politics.
I also co-host a radio show (Resistance) with fellow Self-Rule band mate Dave Finkelman on CJSR every Saturday at noon .
I have a kitty and hope to one day move out of the abomination that is the city, and open an animal sanctuary in what is called the country.

If you like Derrick Jensen and Phil Ochs, then we’ll probably get along fine.

Community Events

Current Projects

guitar and vox
2005 - present

Past Projects

drums, bass, voice.