
Skip Jensen & His Shakin' Feet

Skip Jensen started his recording career by forming well-known Montreal garage rock trio Scat Rag Boosters with Edouard Larocque and Martin Dupras. The band released a half dozen 7"s on labels like Flying Bomb, Solid Sex Lovie Doll, Savage and a host of others from Canada to France. They opened for many bands like The Dirtys, The Subsonics, Royal Trux and The Lazy Cowgirls.They were even contacted by Crypt Records owner Tim Warren about releasing an LP but sadly, Crypt stopped releasing new bands due to financial trouble. Skip had also been recording himself at home for some years, but in 2001 while he was still releasing records with the Scat Rag Boosters he decided to start recording himself more seriously. Him and fellow Booster Edouard Larocque had a couple side projects going like The Stack O' Lees and The Wrong Doers but he had a bunch of songs the he had written that just didn't seem to fit in anywhere. And so, Skip Jensen was born, with a paintstick taped to one foot, a tambourine to the other and a harmonica and guitar slung around his neck he proceeded to bash out and record some of the most stripped down and original soundin' tunes to be heard in a dog's age. Heavily inf... more...

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