
Bocephus King

In the summer of 2000, Bocephus King was doing pretty well for himself. He had just released his third CD and was embarking on his second European tour. His last two releases were on dozens of top ten lists and his live shows had become legendary. Accompanied by the biggest buzz band to come along in years, The Rigalattos, he was the belle of the ball at every festival and music exhibition from Amsterdam to Austin, Texas. Bocephus had the entire package. His songwriting and musicianship blended beautifully with his showmanship and storytelling. He seemed unstoppable. At this point you're probably thinking this sounds a lot like the man's eulogy, or one of those "Behind the Music" exposes where everything was about to go terribly wrong. But in the summer of 2003, Bocephus King is neither dead nor irrelevant (or to a lesser extent on VH1). It's just that it's been almost three years now that we've been anticipating his next album. Unlike some musicians, those years weren't spent in musical exile. Along with producing albums for several artists and an extensive touring schedule, he played and wrote music steadily through label and management changes as well as band personnel. B... more...
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