
Kimya Dawson

Label: K Records
Hi, I am Kimya Dawson. I am a mommy, but I also sing songs and paint pictures. I am married to a really sweet French boy named Ange. His stage name is Angelo Spencer and he is my number 1 friend (check him out). He totally rocks AND he is the best daddy ever. Our baby was born July 28th, 2006. Her name is Panda Delilah and she is the most wonderful little creature to ever exist. The three of us have lots of adventures. Since she was born, Panda has been to 11 states and 11 countries! I am happy to say that a bunch of my songs are in a film called Juno (look at my top friends). I have 5 solo albums called (in order)- I'm Sorry That Sometimes I'm Mean (Rough Trade Records), Knock-Knock Who? (Important Records), My Cute Fiend Sweet Princess (Important Records), Hidden Vagenda (K Records), and Remeber That I Love You (K Records). You should buy them from independent record stores. Not big scary corporate music stores. If the independent stores don't have them ask them to order them for you. They can do that. The little record shops will appreciate your support, even if they are weirdos that don't know how to show it. The next thing I release will be an album for kids and babies c... more...

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