
Bouncing Souls

Label: Epitaph
Asbury Park, NJ is Bruce Springsteen’s town. There’s no two ways about it. So when The Bouncing Souls moved there to write what would become The Gold Record, Bruce’s old ghosts, spirits which permeate the area, were almost sure to appear. It happens to anyone who’s ever been to a rock show at The Stone Pony, Asbury’s most famous jaunt. I’ve seen it time and time again. Shit, I’ve even seen the Souls cover Springsteen at the Pony. Anyway, in 1999 Springsteen made it into the Rock N Roll Hall of Fame for the songwriting abilities he honed on the Jersey Shore. In 2006 it’s fitting that the Souls create their latest album on the same hallowed streets. The result is undoubtedly the Bouncing Souls greatest achievement in songwriting and what will be one of the best albums of the year. Sure, the Bouncing Souls have written some great tunes, but never have so many been put onto one cohesive disc. All the energy of their first few albums are evident as well as the youthful melody of their latter ones. The difference here is an obvious maturity in their ability to craft a multi-layered song that isn’t overly complicated and still accessible to old school fans. The fir... more...

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