
Justin Gradin

Justin Gradin makes Vancouver a more interesting place. He runs Cassette or Die, an anachronistic micro label that only releases music on cassette. He fronts the band Random Cuts, a rock outfit where two of the band’s members are mannequins. And for years he ran The Emergency Room, a now defunct studio, jam space and venue that was a hub for this city’s weird punk music scene. Justin is an extremely talented visual artist. His funny, bizarre and psychedelic comic style has caught people’s attention and he’s starting to get shows through Chicago’s Co-Prosperity Sphere.

Oops Fantasy is a collaborative fine art book project featuring works by artists Justin Gradin, Ben Jacques and Doug Wideen. The book features illustration, painting and collage from each artist, as well as a section dedicated to their collaborative works. To coincide with the book launch, the artists have programmed a group exhibition to take place at The Waldorf Hotel, using four exhibition spaces within the hotel's rooms. Three of the rooms will be dedicated to each artist's solo projects, with the fourth showing their collaborative works. Limited editions of the book Oops Fantasy will be made available for sale.

Community Events

Current Projects

random cuts
vocals + guitar
2009 - present

Past Projects
