
Daniel Poisson

Since I was a child, my mother ,family, teachers, friends and myself have collected my artwork. Nearly all of which I possess today if it's not sold, donated or given away. One of my favourite things to do over the last 12 years is to leave original pieces of artwork in random places such as gas stations, public waiting areas, restaurant lobbies, hallways etc. for anyone who finds it to do what they wish with it. Preferably hang it on their wall. Project: "Who put that there?" I am a painter of fine art in larger format pieces generally using acrylics, however often utilizing charcoal, collage, oil, pastel, ink and more mediums. My series titled: "1 Earth" ( http://www.danielpoisson.com/Archives.html ) has been included in whole and part in numerous shows in Whistler BC, Vancouver BC, Squamish BC and Victoria BC. In 2008, I was taken to Panama City, Panama for 3.5 monthes and provided with a studio space where I painted large pieces of art up to 8 feet to hang on the walls of http://www.lunascastlehostel.com/ in the UNESCO Haritage site of Casco Viejo - http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/790 . I have over 30 large pieces hanging there today. I paint live, large format pieces at festival... more...
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