

A founding member of Freestyle Fellowship, Aceyalone played an important role in the evolution of literate hip-hop on the West Coast during an era when hardcore gangsta rap reigned. Aceyalone embarked on a solo career and maintained his revered status within the West Coast underground hip-hop scene. He debuted solo on All Balls Don't Bounce (1995) and followed-up with A Book of Human Language (1998). Aceyalone returned in 2001 with Accepted Eclectic, an album released by the Ground Control label, which also proceeded to re-release his debut album. He was also a key player on the Haiku D'Tat, A-Team, and Project Blowed albums and is still a member of the Freestyle Fellowship. He has recently released "Hip Hop and the World We Live In" on Project Blowed, a collaboration with Elusive. His new album Love & Hate comes out June 2003.

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