
Matt Wertz

There’s nothing like the feel of a favorite old t-shirt paired with a worn-in pair of jeans. Some of the best things in life move into their prime as they age, making them more enjoyable, more valuable. And so it is with the music of Matt Wertz, a handsome Missouri-born soulful rocker who has been splitting time between his home in Nashville and hundreds of stages around the world for the past six years. His latest offering, Everything In Between, displays a patina that prompts an even deeper appreciation of his music than initially seemed possible. Everything In Between is full of vivid snapshots from every landmark along his two-year journey through love, questions, pain, and healing. “This record stems from relationships and heartbreak, but ultimately I’m grateful for everything that happened, because I learned who I am through the process of making this record,” Wertz says. And while the process was born out of a difficult journey, the result is an eclectic and energetic album, delivered smoothly and with confidence. As a whole, Everything is seamless and cohesive, but each song varies in color enough to make it unique from the others, beautiful in its own way. Th... more...
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