

Label: Ki/oon Records
In 1997, Hayashi, still then in high school,
and great admirer of DEVO forms POLYSICS.
The band experiences various members changes
but their very orginal "look"-the sunglasses and uniforms, origianl live performance, the blasting guitar sound, synthesizers and vocoders attracted many.
Plus their fusion with computer music made them sound very orginal and astonishing.
They easily become the main band of the TOKYO NEW WAVE OF NEW WAVE scene. In1998, Kayo joins the band.
They make their independent debut in 1999,
releasing their first album "1st P".
The next year, are signed to the Japanese major record company Kioon plus begin playing outside Japan.
As well as touring the U.S, they perform at the SXSW2000, and release "Hey! Bob! My Friend "in both the U.S and in the Republic of Korea.
In 2001, Fumi still then a support member, formally joins the band.
Sugai, the drummer since their debut leaves in 2003 and Ishimaru(from Japanese band SNAIL RAMP) takes place as their support.
This is when their activites abroad start on a regular basis and do their first coast to coast US tour.
Release "POLYSICS OR DIE!!!!" in 2004,
hold "7DAYS TO DIE!!!!!" playing seven days straight.
On the last of this show, Yano makes his debut as the new drummer of POLYSICS. On the same year, they start performing in the UK.
Release their best compilation album POLYSICS OR DIE!!!!",
Tour the UK twice.
Play 94 shows in four countries thus spreading the name and their live performance out to the world.
In 2005, they release their 5th major album "Now is the time!".
Valued highly as their best album ever,
the next year out in both the U.S and Europe.
That year, they played 96 shows in six countries.
Polysics' live perform is estimated highly
and getting tour offers from many known artists.
In April, they support acted the Kaiser Chiefs in the UK.
On 21st, June, their new single "Electric Surfin' Go Go" is due to be released.

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Current Lineup

Guitar, Voice, Programing
Bass, Synthesizer, Voice