
Cindy Emch
"Secret Emchy Society"

Cindy Emch from Oakland, CA is the “Emchy” at the heart of the “Secret Emchy Society.” She writes and performs cowboy songs, drinking tunes, and old-school country music. In 2017 she was named by Huffington Post as the “First Lady of Queer Country,” by TheBoot.com as one of the Top 10 Queer Country Artists to check out for REAL country music fans, and had her 2017 debut album listed by the Atlanta Auditory Association as on of the top 50 of the year. As a fixture of seminal Bay-area Americana-inflected bands such as Vagabondage, Rhubarb Whiskey and The Oakland Wine Drinker’s Union, and former Accordion Babe, Emch is touring to support her new album ‘The Stars Fall Shooting Into Twangsville’ which was recorded in Victoria, BC and features Carolyn Mark, Tolan McNeil, Grayson Walker, and more. “The Stars Fall Shooting into Twangsville is a gem of an album that will hold its own through time.” - Atlanta Auditory Association "Songs which could be used to score a romantic montage for Bonnie and Clyde.” Now This Sound Is Brave “An irresistible, rebellious combination of swinging honky-tonk, tear-jerking ballads and danceable zydeco with a dose of theatri... more...

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