
Kim Barlow

Artist Kim Barlow was raised on the South Shore of Nova Scotia. After earning a degree in music from Florida State University, for studies in classical guitar, Kim’s journey brought her to the Yukon Territory. Barlow’s music pushes folk to the extreme. Highly innovative, she continually creates new sounds, meshing classical technique with roots and contemporary influences. Her dynamic instrumentation has broadened to include clawhammer banjo, fingerpicking guitar, and cello - which she sometimes plucks at to produce a funky combined bass and rhythm guitar sound, while continuing to master the conventional style of playing with a bow. Barlow is a wordsmith with a deliberate, rhythmic quality in her material. She writes edgy, imaginative songs based in a Kimness, a uniquely indescribable sense of how she spins the fibre of personal experience into yarns of observation, weaving listeners into the picture. Kim Barlow collaborates with various multi-disciplinary ensembles in Whitehorse, composing and performing new music to complement dance, storytelling, and theatre. She balances her time between music, and cabin life raising her young son Elias Briar with her partner Michael.... more...

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