
Chris Kelly and Nicole Gibson

Label: None
since circa 2016
Just a boy and a girl trying to find a good harmony.

Chris Kelly and Nicole Gibson are two musicians based in Vancouver, BC.
After meeting at a merch table while both fronting their own alternative rock bands in Montreal they began collaborating by making duo versions of popular songs on YouTube.
After acquiring over a quarter million views on their videos and over half a million plays on Sound Cloud they quickly realized the potential in writing their own original music.
Their first song 'Out of The Dark' was released in April 2017 and came 4th place in the International Open Labs Stagelight Competition.
Inspired by chasing the thing that lights you up inside, they continue to release single by single, utilizing the power of two vocals to compliment and express this powerful message.

The majority of all proceeds made from their music goes to a variety of feline foster and adoption services across Canada.
Available for Shows/Gigs
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Current Lineup

Chris Kelly
2016 - present
Nicole Gibson
2016 - present