
Self Made Man

Rich Bouthillier – Drums
J.P. Matte – Guitar/Vocals
Phillipe St. Martin - Guitar
J.P. Sterling – Bass
The Newest Member of the Smallman Family
Selfmademan was formed in May 1999 when its four current members began playing together in their hometown of Montreal, Quebec. Though less than four years old, Selfmademan have already toured across Canada twice, and have played numerous shows throughout the North East USA. This touring schedule, in addition to their three self-released EP’s and one split CD (Dare to Care Records), has allowed the band to hone their songwriting skills and develop into one of the best new punk bands to come out of Canada. It was this ability to craft great songs and the band’s outstanding work ethic that resulted in Smallman Records signing the band in 2003.

Selfmademan songs can best be described as high charged and abrasive punk rock. Songs are sonically rooted in influences such as Hot Water Music, Jawbreaker, Planes Mistaken for Stars and Face to Face, while their lyrics are filled with unabashed political and social messages. This combination creates a potent mix of socially concious fuel that is meant to inspire and motivate all those who listen or come out to their intense live shows.
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