
Henri Fabergé and The Adorables

Label: Fuzzy Logic Recordings
'Considered by many a marriage of convenience, Henri Faberge and his Adorables have been choking out jaded pop anthems for disillusioned lovers for over a year. Exiled from his motherland for bad behaviour, Henri's arrival in Toronto was no exception, as he proceeded to steal up to eleven members of musical groups he fancied (The Bicycles, Born Ruffians, Spitfires & Mayflowers, Laura Barrett, Woodhands) to form his own. Now they have unleashed their (well, his) opinionated views set to music on the rest of the planet. The self-titled album spans timeless sounds and themes abound, spinning tales of creaking naivete, whispering excess, tiresome sexploits, asthmatic distaste, and melancholy dispondence. Don't blame them if you don't get it, or any.'

Community Events

Current Lineup

Johnny Ortved
poet laureate
Dan Werb
(tour) keys, clarinet, glockenspiel, vox
Maylee Todd
(tour) guitar, harmonica, accordion, glockenspiel, vox
Dana Snell
(tour) drums, flute, vox
Drew Smith
guitar, vox, tambourine
Andrew Scott
horns, guitar, vox, tambourine
Mitch DeRosier
guitar, vox
Luke LaLonde
trombone, vox
Paul Banwatt
Janderton Beauregard
(tour) keys, bass, guitar, vox
Brendan Howlett
(tour) bass, trumpet, vox
Keith Hamilton
guitar, saw, melodica, vox
Niall Fynes
Embassy guitar, vox
Henri Faberge
(tour) guitar, keys, trumpet, vox
Ruhee Dewji
tenor sax, flute, vox
Matt Beckett
guitar, harmonica, vox, tambourine
Laura Barrett
(tour) keys, clarinet, vox