
Primal Dawn

Primal Dawn are a death/black metal band based in Dublin , Ireland . Our music is based on pure extremity, brutality and sheer aggression, while our lyrics are of a philosophical nature. Primal Dawn are a band consisting of four members, J McGhee (Vocals/Bass), P Kennedy (Guitar), R McDonagh (Guitar) and J Connelly (Drums).

The band was formed in 2000 and following some line up changes and 2 previous releases, we released ZEALOT in early 2006. Our sound is comparable in places to bands such as Angel Corpse, Axis of Advance and Allfather although our inspiration also comes from bands such as Vincent era Morbid Angel, Mayhem, Thunderbolt, early Deicide, Bolt Thrower etc.

Our lyrical themes/influences include cultural and general awareness, strength of character, a Darwinian/anti-egalitarian worldview, reverence of our noble ancestors (and irreverence towards their wretched posterity), hatred of today's values etc. To summarize, self-awareness, self-knowledge and self-improvement and the destruction of any obstacle that hinders the pursuit of this. Hopefully the semi-literate halfwits who have on occasion tried to associate us with any particular political ideology or group in the past will be able to dry their tears and untwist their panties for long enough to digest the actual ideology behind the band.

Community Events

Current Lineup

J McGhee
P Kennedy
R McDonagh
J Connelly