
Robbie Hancock

Hello! I am an indie folk, singer/songwriter..

I have been performing live for over 20 years and have played at Disney World, Bush Gardens, CMW, NXNE, The Ottawa Tulip festival, The Hamilton Music Awards, The Halifax Pop Explosion and recently in Nashville and Los Angeles at live music venues and conferences. I am also regular performer in the artist on board program for VIA Vail Canada performing on board for passengers on tours from coast to coast.

I also try to give back as much as I can including running fundraiser festivals for homeless teens in my area and paying it forward as much as I can through mentoring, workshops and charity events.

Music is an incredible gift that I am thankful to be able to share with others in hopes that it brings joy to their lives, as much as it has my own. Thank you so much for stopping by.

Robbie Hancock
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