
Amy Honey

Instruments: Guitar, Vocals details
"Amy Honey is an artist and music represents only one brilliant note in her creative range. Photography is another; her photographs are bold in their use of contrast, just like her music. Finding beauty between the stark and sublime images, sounds and influences she fits together like Lego, Honey builds metal on melancholy. Recklessly soulful, the prowess of this pioneer woman is undeniable. From bands Clover Honey to the Nervous Breakdowns to her second solo record following 2003's self-titled release, this is the land of Amy Honey. She has palate endowed with wide musical taste and a gift for aesthetic transcendence, style and grace. Her pop sensitivity is as keen as her ability to rock is hard and her love of tradition is true. The Victoria/Vancouver artist can't help but kick hipster ass and make it better." Exclaim! Magazine

"Exploring themes of urban psychosis, alienation, reckless abandon, Canadiana and death, Amy has created an album that strides the fine line between Henry David Thoreau and The Handsome Family." Andrew Pearson
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22:00 13:00

Past Projects

The Nervous Breakdowns
Guitar/ Vocals
2005 - 2007
Clover Honey
guitar/ vocals
1998 - 2007