

Countless bands have been inspired by the abundance of radio-friendly hooks and choruses surfacing in today’s popular metalcore. Unearth are the exception. While other groups have been motivated to make their songs more commercial, Unearth have gone the opposite direction. “A lot of our friends who used to be in kick-ass metal and hardcore bands are adding these pop choruses now for no reason,” grumbles frontman Trevor Phipps. “I think they’re making the same mistakes that all the bands in the early ‘90s made when metal turned to complete horseshit. They’re totally watering down their tunes to sell more records. We’re just trying to prove that bands can still sell records and tour and have a career by making a heavy fucking record.” III: In the Eyes of Fire isn’t just heavy, it’s downright brutal – a menacing combination of speed, precision and intensity that grips and shakes like a shark tearing apart its prey. Taking its cue from the most destructive offerings of Slayer, Pantera, Earth Crisis and Iron Maiden, the music is structurally complex, and emotionally furious. Album opener “This Glorious Nightmare” hits the ground running, stomping its vapid... more...

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Current Lineup

Trevor Phipps
Ken Susi
Buz McGrath
Mike Justian