
Six Feet Under

When he's not drag racing near his Tampa, Florida home, Six Feet Under's Chris Barnes is a non-stop death machine. In fact he may be the only living grandfather of death metal - a tag he "always gets a smile out of," the singer admits with a blushing tone. "If anything, that kind of recognition makes it worthwhile for this style of music. I definitely appreciate that." On the verge of unveiling their latest slab piled with human remains, Six Feet Under are getting grim this time... grim reaper that is, a recurring theme surrounding the 11 tracks found nestled within this freshly-hewn casket. Recorded at Morrisound Recording in Tampa, Florida and Criteria The Hit Factory in Miami, the band's eighth full-length studio effort, 13, "will rip your fucking heads off," as Barnes so eloquently describes (although this is a mission statement the dread-locked legend has used since the band's debut, Haunted, in 1995). Along with guitarist Steve Swanson, bass legend Terry Butler (Death, Massacre) and drummer Greg Gall, the foursome continue to follow a strange career path that merges simplistic death metal with their fetish for the tried 'n' true classic sound of the art form. And consisten... more...

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Current Lineup

Chris Barnes
Greg Gall
Steve Swanson