

Stonehenge was a junior high school band that performed at sock hops and other events during the early '70s, including a concert/dance at the University of Victoria on June 21, 1974. Stonehenge was comprised of Dave Conway (guitar/vocals), Art Hobbs (guitar), Peter Wilson (bass/vocals), Bruce Wilson (keyboards), Alan Bulmer (drums), Rick Mathews (drums, replacing Alan Bulmer), and Ross Walner (duel drummer with Rick Mathews and eventually sole drummer). Ron Lesoway, a friend of the band, occasionally joined the guys on stage to sing a blues number. Both Ron and Al are now deceased. On June 17, 2016, after a brief 42-year hiatus, during which the guys lived and worked in disparate parts of the world, the group held a reunion event and concert in Victoria with no rehearsal. The event was held at St. Andrew's School and was the last concert to be played there before the building was to be demolished. The band sounded better than ever!

Community Events

Current Lineup

Dave Conway
Rhythm Guitar/Vocals
Art Hobbs
Lead Guitar
Peter Wilson
Bass Guitar/Vocals
Bruce Wilson
Alan Bulmer
Rick Mathews
Ross Walner