
From A Second Story Window

From A Second Story Window is a 5 piece band hailing from “Ohio-Vania," with one common goal; pushing themselves and their music to a very violent edge as somewhere out of their lives together a passion was born for extremism. For those of you who are unfamiliar with this underground sensation, From A Second Story Window coined the term “Ohio-Vania" being that some of members are from Ohio while others are from Pennsylvania. “We live right on the border of the aforementioned states...and there is nothing here. The towns we inhabit are hollowed out, old-steel mill towns long since forgotten. With nothing to do we listen to everything the underground scene has to offer and are pretty much tired of hearing the same boring, predictable songs over and over again. With us, it's always been one basic idea. Simply put, we are trying to create music for attention-deficit people. Juxtaposed to this is our message of loneliness, isolation, forgetting about this world and dreaming of the next one,” comments Guitarist and founding member Derek Vasconi.

Delenda, the follow up to the bands highly praised Blackmarket Activities debut Not One Word Has Been Omitted, sees the band experimenting with melodious piano and singing fused with vocalists Will Jackson’s heartfelt bellows and screams delivering an album that will without a doubt be a key release in the metal scene as we know it today. “Working on Delenda was a learning experience,” states Derek. “We traveled up to Syracuse in March and spent several weeks with producer Jason ‘Jocko’ Randall at More Sound Studios.” What Jason was able to do is provide the band with a diverse and eclectic view on how to approach their songs and make them a wall of sound. “We wanted a massive feel... guitar layers and ‘big-sounding’ drums,” notes Derek. Vocals ranged from the subtle to the chaotic, and includes guest stints from Billy Bottom (Nights Like These) and a group of girls who provided a gang vocal chant on Oracles and Doorsteps. The album itself chronicles the end of everything in a person's life, both from a personal and spiritual aspect. Derek explains “I believe that for so many years, people got used to this idea of FASSW being a band with five songs but no real direction in terms of what they wanted to say musically.” Delenda easily puts that notion to rest the moment you listen to the timpani’s and piano with guitar being played by a cello bow and soaked in distortion.....the first track being the Acknowledgement of things to come. After this, its complete destruction until you come to Ghost Over Japan, a very special song that came to Derek one night while just playing around on a piano. The track demonstrates that FASSW has never said they were going to be just a metal band… rather, whatever is necessary to get the point of a song across, that's the medium which will be utilized in exploring soundscapes. Vocalist Will Jackson takes this idea a step further by employing his powerful singing voice throughout key points in the album. Everyone in the band felt that this would not betray their ultimate intentions as a group, which is to make music for A.D.D. kids.

Delenda was a painstaking process and not only channels the spirit of FASSW that has been in everyone's hearts for several years now, but it also lays the groundwork for the next album, which will continue to explore ideas of loss and redemption. Delenda is ready to be heard by the world… let's hope the world understands.

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