
Municipal Waste

Hailing from Richmond, Virginia, Municipal Waste are the reigning kings of the New Wave of Crossover. Municipal Waste deliver blazing fast, raw thrash-core in the tradition of DRI, Suicidal Tendencies, "Animosity"-era Corrosion Of Conformity, Nuclear Assault and Attitude Adjustment. All barely in their 20's, the members of Municipal Waste inject youthful energy and humor into a classic genre they were too young to catch the first time around.
With a self-titled EP on Amendment Records, an LP entitled "Waste 'Em All" on Six Weeks Records, and several splits and comps under their belts,

Municipal Waste have quickly established themselves as the leaders of a fast-growing scene of bands resurrecting the spirit of the mid-80's Crossover scene.

Fast, furious, and funny, each of Municipal Waste's super-short songs is a memorable anthem to post-apocalyptic mutants, beer, thrash music, or all of the above. The band's dedication is deadly serious yet they are not afraid to bring the fun back into hardcore. Bashing out songs with such titles as "Thrashing's My Business And Business Is Good", "Thrash? Don't Mind If I Do", and "Drunk As Shit", (as well as a split EP whose songs were all based on Kurt Russell films), Muncipal Waste have earned themselves the tag of "party thrash".

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