
36 Crazyfists

Label: roadrunner
Despite the state of today's tumultuous world, the Alaska-bred, melodic metal band 36 Crazyfists are inspired to look beyond the negative and aggressively emphasize the positive. They are able to distance themselves from the pack by never resorting to stereotypical metal rage while maintaining their heavy roots. Whether front man Brock Lindow addresses road fatigue, self-worth or accountability, the music is fueled by a contagious enthusiasm and optimism in the face of frustration. The band's third album Rest Inside The Flames is a record of this and comes across as an energized batch of modern anthems built upon a pyre of swarming emotions, stomping, surging rhythms and vocals that seesaw between scathing rage and melodic regret. And the band's universal, contemporary sounds are earning them an army of fans across the world, especially in Europe, where they have been embraced by thousands of people, playing main stages at some of the biggest rock festivals on the continent. It's easy to see why. Rest Inside The Flames offers a fresh take on aggressive music that simultaneously revels in strength and vulnerability, while carving a path of self-reliance and personal expression... more...

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Current Lineup

Brock Lindow
Steve Holt