
Mama Pulpa

since circa 2011
MAMA PULPA formed in the summer of 1996. It´s members met at a pizza parlor where a pizza-eating contest was being held, the first prize being an electric guitar. Apparently none of them won, but they´ve been inseparable since. As any band starting out, they began playing in small time venues, slowly developing a faithful following of fans, who slowly (and faithfully) stopped following them. Their songs were not liked, and gigs dried up. The band decided to abandon the project, playing a farewell show in the hippie town of Tepoztlan, a small population 35 miles south of Mexico City, where UFO sightings are commonplace. While driving there, right when they were passing an unpopulated spot, the car in which they were travelling stopped, for no apparent reason. As the four bandmembers checked the car to find the cause of the breakdown, an intense white light shined from above, knocking them unconscious. They report being teletransported into a spaceship, where they were met by extraterrestrial beings, who shared their civilization’s musical knowledge with them, before re... more...

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