
KEN mode

Easily delivering their most crushing and devastating release in their ten-plus year career, “Venerable” will serve as mere proof that KEN MODE are one of the most prominent and elite acts within the landscape of today’s hardcore/noiserock crossover scene. Considering that “Venerable” will solidify KEN MODE as Canada’s premiere and most important hardcore band today, “Venerable” will also be the album in which will create more awareness for the Canadian trio, and allow KEN MODE to get the recognition they deserve. This will be proven, not only with the pillaging material on "Venerable" (captured, recorded, and produced by Converge guitarist Kurt Ballou), but also with KEN MODE’s unrelenting and jaw dropping live show in which the band are pretty much gonna glorify all year round during endless tour jaunts. We recently read if Voivod and Cursed had kids and they formed a noiserock band, that KEN MODE would be it and basically we’ve always assessed that KEN MODE could very well be one of the bands within Canada today that are qualified to help carry on a band like Voivod and Cursed's legacy. Just imagine this scenario: Voivod, Cursed, Unsane, and The Jesus Liza... more...

Community Events

Current Lineup

Andrew LaCour
200 - present
Jesse Matthewson
1999 - present
Shane Matthewson
1999 - present

Past Members

Darryl Laxdal
1999 - 2004
Darryl Laxdal
2005 - 2006
Drew Johnston
live bass
2006 - 2008
Jahmeel Russell
2006 - 2008
Chad Tremblay
2008 - 200