
genghis tron

"Genghis Tron (+50 points for clever band name) take the brutality of grind, the subtlety of ambient electronic music, bubblegum pop beats, and the calculation and diversity of mathcore, and mesh it all into songs no more than 3:06 long. Literally over before you can believe it, the 12 minute Cloak of Love will leave your head spinning. Just when you're grooving to a dance beat you get smacked in the face with blastbeats or a brutal breakdown. For something that's not even a quarter of an hour long, it's some of the most condensed-sounding music I've ever heard. There's more diversity in the 1:38 of "Ride the Steambolt" than in the entire career of most bands. The technical prowess of Genghis Tron is undeniable and umistakable, and even though the band is less than a year old, their potential is unlimited. I want a full-length. Now." "...promo for this band claiming it was a mixture between Napalm Death and Depeche Mode, and with a statement like that who wouldn't be interested. The idea behind the thought of a sound that could recreate the destructive power of grind while at the same time convey the beauty of a synthetic pop band is ingenious and peerless in the leas... more...

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