
Sip Yek Nom

Label: spawner
Sip Yek Nom, was born in a stinky old Motor home on the side of a mountain called Ferni.� It was there that three of the four could be found smoking shit and playing shit.� In a desperate attempt to Move out of the Stinky motor home and into an actual househome, the three hitched a ride to the land of the fruit tree, to trade their labour for bags of money.� It was here that the fourth was phone-and asked, to join.� He said NO, BUT he came around.� After the three decided that Mo-Hinder the Drunkest Farmer's payments of beer and coins probably wouldn't make them rich, they hitched back to Ferni, and eventually, back to their homeland.


These fuckers from wayyyy up north kick shit up with a classic punk sound, complete with keys and power chords.

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