
Rebecca Ramone

Her songs have been described as the perfect soundtrack music. Think emo-heartbreak scene: girl walking on beach with her sweater clad arms wrapped tightly around her, boy at bar with friends pouring alcohol on his emotional wounds; a family torn apart by an unfaithful spouse or even a tragic surfing accident. At the same time, she can rock out if need be, filling rooms with her powerful vocals and sassy attitude. 23 year old Rebecca Ramone has been playing guitar and singing for 10 years, and performing regularly throughout Canadas west coast for 7. Playing everywhere from seedy, hole-in-the-wall pubs and coffee shops, to opening for Simple Plan at the Saddledome as a part of Jessica Beachs band, Rebecca knows how to work a room and tug on the strings of even the strongest hearts.

Community Events

Current Lineup

Jeremy Spokane
Bass Player
Benny Bensette
Rebecca Ramone