
Baaba Maal

One of the reigning masters of world music, Senegal’s Baaba Maal has, over the course of 10 albums and several world tours, generated both critical acclaim and intense admiration from audiences who are wowed by his joyously funky stage shows. Often compared with Bob Marley because of his political activism and socially-aware songs about women’s rights and African unity, Maal is a sublime singer and guitarist whose distinctive style evokes the spirit of West Africa. Born in a small village on the banks of the Senegal River, Maal won a scholarship to the capital city of Dakar, and later toured extensively to learn music and stories from all over West Africa. After several years of further studies in Paris he returned to Senegal more than a decade ago and formed his band Daande Lenol (“Voice of the People”). This 12-member ensemble performs on guitars and traditional instruments such as the hoddu (a four-stringed lute), balafon, kora and various hand drums, while Maal’s passionate and liltingly fluid vocals soar overtop: the combination is powerful, hypnotic and transcendently tribal music from the heart of Africa. Don’t miss out on the Victoria debut performance of this amazing artist!
“Maal’s beautiful, piercing and poignant vocals kept the fire hot with spiritually motivated lyrical serenades.” –Santa Barbara Independent

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