
The Way Out

With miles and countries between them, two brothers Ezra and Gabe Cipes found themselves underfoot to the injustices of modern existence. The pressure to succeed is an unfortunate subjection, only aroused by the destruction of individual freedoms. With the realization that continuing in the manner expected was injustice to the individual presence, the pair went through a coupled, coinciding breakdown of their external obligations. "There must be a way out", they said, and so there was to be. The knowledge that all things done for love will be judged for its liabilities is a deafening realization. Generations before us have served as the scapegoat for those without love, the mission to be unwavering in emotion has birthed many frightful realities. As it seems, only actions formed from apathy can be safe from persecution. "There must be a way out", they said, and so there was to be. In the top corner of a continent content in its own broodings, the two brothers' came together to find a way out with undefined boundaries. The vacuum of possibility is the state that masses turn from, only to find security in drudgery. So the certainty of nudity being detrimental to only those with... more...

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