
Second Guess

since circa 2006
Simply put, Second Guess is a Canadian rock band. They aren’t a Canadian rock band because they live in Canada, but because they exemplify and embody what it means to be Canadian, and to make Canadian music. They drink double-doubles and watch hockey with a passion, but being Canadian is so much more than that. They are exactly what Canadians are known around the world for: nice, dependable, entertaining and endearing. They show up on time, treat fans like friends and always say please and thank you. They help the other bands load in gear, holding doors open along the way. The can be counted on to perform like professional old-hands. Second Guess is an entertaining bunch off stage too. If you get the chance to spend time with them as a group, they will keep you chortling as the conversation winds and digresses into the silly and outrageous stories that make up the band’s history. They will charm and captivate you. Working together since 2006, they are a tight knit unit, knowing each other’s limits and abilities. They also seem to sense each other’s personalities, each knowing when to step up in different situations. Their music is distinctly Canadian: the r... more...
Broken Up

Community Events

Last Lineup

Aaron Ritchie
Lead Vocals & Rythm Guitar
2005 - The End
Alison Spence
2005 - The End
August Ustare
2005 - The End
Nigel Silbernagel
2005 - The End
Amrik Singh "Amrik S."
Lead Guitar & Back Up Vocals
2006 - The End