
Naked Ear

Label: independent
Naked Ear formed in 1997 and has been gaining momentum ever since with a first place win in the 1998 Cordova Bay/Ragged Pup Battle of the Bands, and a spot on 100.3 the Q's Rocktoria 2000 compilation CD. The trio's own independent album was released in June 2000 to rave reviews.

Naked Ear has appeared with diverse acts such as Wide Mouth Mason, Limblifter, Parliament, David Wilcox, and Spirit of the West, and is creating a strong following as Victoria's hottest young band. Monday Magazine describes Naked Ear as "at another level entirely - a drum-tight combo of accomplished players who fill every inch of their musical space with swirling riffs, spit-polished licks, and emotive vocals"

The members of Naked Ear are Dallas Pendleton [guitar, lead vocals], Ryland Haggis [bass, vocals], and Andrew Rollins [drums, keyboards]. Everything from blues, rock, funk, fusion, jazz, and punk has been explored by these musicians, and has come together to create guitar-driven hooks with a solid, funky rhythm section that gets people out of their seats. Hailed as "the most talented group of musicians I have ever seen live" by Vancouver Island's Cosmic Debris Magazine, Naked Ear is not to be missed.

Look for their next album in 2003.
Broken Up

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