
The Hi-Fi

That about sums it up. For the foodies it would go like this. A homemade sausage, fresh baked bun, Walla Walla sweet onions, mustard, a side of organic kale chips and a fine German wheat beer. Unassuming but surprisingly delicious. Not a meal for a wedding but a meal for a fine day none the less. When we get together and play we have this very relaxed and fun experience. Everyone is listening to each other so intently and there is this ability to move where the music goes. And if it heads straight into a wall we are all able to laugh it off and start again. Maybe the wall is a bad metaphor…. Perhaps a ditch? No that’s a bad place to…..Forget that. Remember when you were a kid and you were able to giggle until you cried… It’s more like that but we are adults and we get paid to play and no one gets to tell us when we have to goto bed…. Really that’s as good as it gets! Ryan Tandy is the youngest member of the group. He brings an amazing strength to the table. There are some nights when I am pretty sure he could pick me up and throw me over a car. Definitely onto the roof. For that reason I never mess with him. His bass solos are rocking and when he talks he is by ... more...

Community Events

Current Lineup

Art Brooker
Nick La Riviere
Ryan Tandy
Damian Graham
2012 - present