
Sabrina Kufner

Sabrina Kufner is the lead singer of Dirty Harriet band. Alternative-rock band Dirty Harriet, hailing from Vancouver Island, originated from the idea that sometimes people are drawn together for a reason greater then they understand and by a force that takes on a life of its own. Seamlessly blending a wide range of influences and musical backgrounds ranging from opera to folk to metal, they have crafted a sound and feeling unlike anything else out there, attracting audiences and rave reviews wherever they go. Powerhouse lead singer Sabrina Kufner with a larger than life voice compared to that of Adele and Janice Joplin, you'd never know she's hardly 5 feet tall. Recipient of critical acclaim, she has the ability to draw in audiences and hold them captive with merely the sound of her voice. Backbone of the rhythm section, Jeremy Loewen (drums) and Nathan Arrowsmith (bass) bring their unique flavours to the table adding that element of power and control to the overall feel of the music with their diverse roles in the band. Ryan Rieger (rhythm guitar) originally an incredibly talented bass player, is the glue holding the frame of the music together. He and Sabrina had been... more...

Community Events

Current Lineup

Sabrina Kufner
vocals & guitar
Chris Coldwell
guitar & drums