
Aaron Booth

Aaron's musical path began in Calgary, Canada in the early nineties. It was there he explored many avenues of sound. He cut his teeth in the rock'n'roll school of Bobby McAlister & the Telstars, learning the low art of retro rock bass playing and the high art of beer tasting; he conducted multi-media experiments with post-rock group, Shecky Form�, at the New Gallery's now infamous "Space for Space" performance art events and in his spare time he stayed home with a notebook full of songs and a 4-track. In the end it was the demise of Shecky Form� and the rise of the 4-track interest that lead Aaron away from Calgary. He awoke one morning with the idea to release a selection of pieces from his home recording catalogue. This debut solo album, (Tune Up, 1999) with an initial pressing of thirty copies originally intended for family and friends began to take on a life of its own once it entered into the world, finding its way onto mix tapes and local radio shows. To keep up with the rising demand for copies, a proper pressing of the album was made and Aaron began performing solo s... more...

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