
Dave Alvin And The Guilty Men

What Dave Alvin does so magnificently is captured in electifying fashion on Out in California, the Downey, California -bred singer -songwriter guitarist's seventh High- Tone album. The full breadth of Alvin's artistry and the power of his touring band, the Guilty men, comes through in thirteen tracks culled from recent performances at the Blue Cafe in Long Beach Ca, the Lobero Theatre in Santa Barbara CA, and the neighborhood Church in Pasadena CA.
Alvin, who co-produced Out in California with Mark Linett, says this new CD depicts him in what has become his natural habitat. "I spend so much time on the road--more time than I spend at home. That becomes a life. That's probably why the Grateful Dead had so many live records." He continues, "the live shows are so different from studio records. When I go in to make a studio record, I'm always thinking, "we're making a record here." But when I'm playing live, I want to sweat and jam and make noise and fall down. In order to keep it fresh. Great chunks of it have got to be raw."

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