
Snuff Maximus

SNUFF MAXIMUS – When you discover that a neighbor has an inclination toward serial murderers disconcertion is a natural, 911 is an educated impulse. If that neighbor happens to be a member of Snuff Maximus, hold the phone. They have a history…the principal players in the Snuff Maximus scenario are:
Ryan Nicholson – Nicholson is easily one of the most respected make up artists and creature designers in Canada. What he hasn’t been able to get away with on the sets of Scary Movie, The Pledge, Gene Roddenberry’s Andromeda (to name a few) he brings to life in SMXS. Besides being a celebrity artiste he has presented gallery expositions of art created by serial killers and taken the time to interview some of the killers on death row (writing published biographies on some). His words and vocal presentation in SMXS draw light onto truly savage nightmare behind the men that make us sleep less sound behind our well-wrought security bars.

Patrick Coble – The musical voice behind Nicholson’s human one. Well studied and tested true in guitars, keyboards, technological gadgetry and things with strings or diodes, Coble’s function is to create and display the intensity of the songs themes through layers of sonic discordance and groove. In concert he leads additional players through the cacophony in similar manner to a hockey coach during playoffs – or the SMXS subjects at work – as if every moment could or will be your last.

Snuff Maximus combine their work of visual art and mass murder to bring the public a powerful, brutal, yet somehow elegant vision of the lives and times of people who like to kill, specifically, methodically and repeatedly. Some of the group’s influences, adversaries or colleagues include: Slipknot, Mudvayne, Fear Factory & Static X.

So before you call 911, remember this: They seem like decent people, generally respectful, keep to themselves a lot…the last folks in the hood you could imagine biting down on a human liver in the woodshed…really.

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