
Hard Drugs

Label: Scratch
since circa 2006
On the night of his birthday party in 2006 it all became clear. Jeffry Lee was high on life and other substances when he hatched the idea for Hard Drugs. Hard Drugs was to be a rock opera. It provided the perfect solution to his domestic quandaries. A rock opera would provide Lee with the creative outlet he needed while requiring less touring, allowing him to spend more time with his soon-to-be-wife Jenni Nelson. Since then, it has spawned at least two bands, a concept album and a new life of it¹s own. Initially started as a side project for members of Vancouver¹s Blood Meridian (which was in turn the side project of Black Mountain bassist Matt Camirand) the original lineup also consisted of husband/wife duo Jeff Lee and Jenni Nelson fronting the band, keyboardist Shira Blustein and bassist Kevin Grant from Blood Meridian, friend/guitarist/visual effects artist Pete Dionne, drummer Jason Dana. These five original band members rehearsed and performed the show live, helping Lee formulate the idea on stage. They began recording sporadically later that year when finances and touring schedules would allow. Jeffry recruited everyone and anyone of his friends in the Vancouver mus... more...

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