
Andrea Soos

Andrea Soos is well known for her playful abstractions that combine creative mark-making, patterning, and gestural application of colour. Working with a cheerful palette, Soos’ paintings allow the viewer to freely journey around the canvas, enjoying the twists and turns of her engaging compositions.

Soos works intuitively across each canvas, creating unexpected and tactful brushstrokes in her process-driven practice. Although she may not know the outcome of the piece when she begins, the artwork evolves as a visceral and therapeutic practice, driven by music and song lyrics. Viewers of Soos’ work connect with the many visual entry-points and feel at liberty to apply their own experiences and history to the marks on the canvas.

Soos lives and works in Victoria, British Columbia, where she also trained for her BFA. Soos’ work has been collected across Canada and in the USA, and works to release new series’ of artwork year-round.

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