

Label: BOMP!
To call BBQ just a one-man band would be like calling his influences just rock’n roll. BBQ is the perfect mix of the most primitive blues, rock’n roll, garage, R&B, and rockabilly sounds lightly assaulted with soul and a punk aesthetic.

BBQ, the one-man band, is actually ‘Mark Sultan’, ex-singer of the legendary Spaceshits and singer/drummer for the world-renown Sexareenos. This is a young man who lives by his own rules: no home, no job, no cares – just a beat-up guitar, his wits and a need to drink. A young man who was born parentless in the gutters of Montreal with a bevy of women to serve his every whim. A young man who didn’t need any more talent when dealing with the devil, so instead opted for a good meal – just for kicks! An unassuming drifter who lives only for the moment, armed with the gift of unorthodox charisma and the eyes of a wise man. He has managed to capture the sound of a very soulful but simple band on just his two feet, a guitar and a golden voice. This is the real shit: no-nonsense, timeless and rollickin’.

In less than two years time, BBQ has honed his show into an apocalyptic mojo bag full of ear-scorchers, playing shows here and abroad, alone and with acts like Bob Log III, King Khan and His Sensational Shrines, Les Sexareenos, The Deadly Snakes, The Woggles, The Ponys, Mr. Airplane Man, Nathaniel Mayer & The Shanks, The Cool Jerks, The Del-Gators, Scat Rag Boosters, The Mystery Girls, The Come-Ons, The Soledad Brothers, etc…, converting people who hadn’t expected the potency of this depraved one-man gang. Most recently, BBQ did a tour of Brazil and Argentina, complete with TV and radio spots – the works!! The kids went bonkers! Search Google for reviews, etc… using some keywords mentioned here, and good luck with the Portuguese! Just before that, BBQ toured Europe 4 times (including a gig at ‘The Wild Weekend’) in a 4 month stretch of uncompromised pillage to incredibly enthused, appreciative fanatics and stunned critics alike. He has received international praise in print and online, and his experience in other bands has made fans out of legendary artists while allowing him to play with famous bands all over the world.
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