
Timothy Carlow

Instruments: Guitar, Bass, Composition/Songwriting details
From 2004 to just about 2006 I played bass in the post-grunge group Wire In My Cereal, and following that, guitar in Conrad Come Home. Both have since disbanded. I've also worked on production/songwriting for Stone Winged Angels (2004-2006), and percussion for Anthony Adverse (on extended hiatus). I'm into playing/promotion/record production.. if you find me, i'm probably somehow dabbling in all three at the same time just for kicks. If not, i'm trying but it's not working out.. or you're not looking hard enough.

Community Events

Current Projects

Severe Floods
2006 - present

Past Projects

Conrad Come Home
Guitar/Backup Vox
2006 - The End
Wire In My Cereal
2004 - The End