
"Hon C"

Instruments: Drums, Guitar, Bass, Composition/Songwriting, Yell, Screams, and Kicking details
Band Bio: Honster - Main: Drums and Producing. Extra: Bass, Acoustic and Electric Guitar, Yelling, Screaming, Lyrics, and Poetry.

Gman the Axeman - Main: Electric and Acoustic Guitar. Extra: Vocals, Yelling, Screaming, Co-Producing, Lyrics and Bass, drumming

Straightjacket was born deep within the dark shadows of chaos and order. From the insanity of love and hate did it fester, grow and mature. Straightjacket is not for the feint of heart, or the meek in mind. It is the rain before the hurricane; it is the strange voices whispering in the wind, it is the notes in a symphony,…a symphony of insanity. This exciting and strange band features a virtual asylum of mystery guest musicians who bring you therapy filled with sight, sound, and rock. These musical misfits do not belong in the civilized world where things are comfy and cozy when one can easily escape safe reality with the simple click a remote control. Ohh no no nooo! Only here in the virtual world do we get to hear and feel their raw therapeutic power of sound! There is no escape; the monsters in the closet and underneath the bed are out and running amok! Feel the power! Feel the therapy! The Straightjacket album is COMING SOON and COMING FOR YOU!
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Current Projects

Producer, Drums, Bass, Ideas, Lyrics, Composition
2005 - present