
Old School Houserockers

since circa 2008
Old School Houserockers (formerly known as Slim & the Deuces) consist of ledgendary Dave Harris (guitar/harp/vocals), blues rhythm section veterans John R Hunter (drums/vocals) and George Fenn (bass) plus a welcomed new addtion from Vancouver Jimy Jimy (guitar/harp/vocals).

We play originals and non-mainstream cover tunes with an edgy old school Chicago and Memphis sound. We'll play almost anywhere on the Island or Lower Mainland where there is a blues appreciative crowd and a tip jar or cover charge. Hope to see you at a dance soon
On Hiatus

Community Events

Current Lineup

Dave 'Slim' Harris
2008 - present
John R Hunter
2008 - present
George 'Fencepost' Fenn
2011 - present
Jimy Jimy
2014 - present