
marion evamy

All my life, I have been fascinated by the energy and joy of colour. It seems as though many people are scared of strong colours, so they surround themselves with ‘safe’ neutrals like gray or beige. I’m hugely passionate about my work and have been painting seriously since 1999. I have been told I am prolific – I paint very quickly and there are always new ideas to be discovered and created. I had been “artistic” on and off most of my early life, but didn’t have any formal training until I went to art college for a year in 1983. Then life took over with the necessity of finding a “real job”. I began taking art courses and workshops in the mid 90’s and finally took the step of promising myself the life of an artist when I hit 40…. My “mid-life” artist crisis, became the real job I had always wanted. I love the quote by Pablo Picasso “the meaning of life is to find your gift, the purpose of life is to give it away.” My approach has always been to experiment, and challenge myself, with an attitude of “no fear” towards any type of painting style. I am the first to admit that I love to “bounce” around – with subject matter and method, howeve... more...

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